We had originally planned to run the Wish Lemons 5K race this morning, but expected weather conditions made us lean against it all week, and we made a final decision this morning not to go. However, once the snow started coming down fast and furious, Cameron decided he wanted to go to LaFortune Park to run in the snow with JATC at 10 am. Due to horrible road conditions at that time, everyone arrived late, and it was around 10:45 before we finally started running. A couple people went down to the trail and saw that a new lake had formed...we have named it Lake LaFortune...so they decided we should run in the neighborhoods across the street from the park. However, Cameron insisted that he still wanted to run at LaFortune, so he and I headed down to the trail and started our 5K loop. It was an interesting run to say the least, as the snow was coming down fast and furious the whole time we ran. Heavy snow on all the trees caused the branches to be hanging so low that I had to run off the trail to get through...Cameron was short enough to still be able to run beneath them. However, this also had its own hazards, as the above freezing temperatures were causing big chunks of snow to occasionally fall off the branches. At one point, Cameron exclaimed that a branch had fallen on him, and I had to tell him that it wasn't a branch...it was just a big chunk of snow that fell off the branch.
The trail conditions were as bad as I've ever seen at LaFortune, as you would go from several inches of snow straight into Lake LaFortune, and then straight back into deep snow again. This cycle repeated itself numerous times around the park. The result was frozen toes from having to cross the lake every minute or two. Running north was no treat either as a brisk north wind was blowing all the snow directly into us...it was much better running south in the middle of the loop. Considering the conditions, the run didn't go too terribly bad. We completed the 5K in 36:43, so Cameron's daily mileage was 3.1 miles. This brings his monthly total to 38.9 miles, and his yearly total to 132.2 miles.
Jan 9, 2014
11 years ago